Clown. Teabagger. Moron. Deadbeat dad. Rep. Joe "Flyspeck" Walsh * (Teatard-IL) is all of those things rolled into one. But one would think, as one who never served in the military, Flyspeck would stay clear of the military record of his opponent, former Rep. Tammy Duckworth. But, no, Flyspeck has a bad case of hero envy. To review, Duckworth is a 20-year military veteran, combat double amputee, a former administrator at the Veterans Administration, and is running to regain her seat in Congress from Flyspeck, who was washed into office in the Teatard Tide in 2010.
Please consider donating to Tammy and send Flyspeck back to whatever dung heap he came from.
* The chickenhawk, not the Eagle. Eagle Joe Walsh has endorsed Tammy Duckworth, BTW.
UPDATE: Seems Flyspeck is rightly getting an earful from a lot of veterans about his disparagement of combat veteran Duckworth.
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