Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"Nuns on the Bus" Tour Wraps Up

The nine-state bus tour by Catholic nuns to protest Rep. Paul "Lyin'" Ryan's "immoral" (their word) Rethuglican budget has now wrapped up with a rally on Capitol Hill. Ryan had used the false cover of "Catholic social teaching" to justify his draconian cuts in programs for the poor and vulnerable. As one of the tour leaders, Sister Simone Campbell said:
“Faced with long-term debt problems, they say we must immediately slash protections for the poor, even as they fight tooth and nail for trillions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy and explode the debt at the same time. And then they line the pockets of the wealthiest one percent in our nation. This is wrong. And they’re doing it under the guise of fiscal austerity.”

Nuns like Sister Simone are the true heart and soul of the Catholic Church. Would that they were running things rather than the Der Popenfuhrer and his right-wing pedophile priest protectors.

(Photo: "Nuns on the Bus" in Cleveland, Ohio, June 26)

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