Saturday, July 14, 2012

Quote of the Day II -- Willard's N.A.A.C.P. Aftermath

If you read nothing else today, read this short piece by Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone about what a disaster Willard "Millionaire Mitt" Romney is as a candidate and human being. Here's a brief taste:
"Most presidents have something under the hood – wit, warmth, approachability, something. [snip]

"But Romney doesn’t buzz with anything. His vision of humanity is just a million tons of meat floating around in a sea of base calculations. He’s like a teenager who stays up all night thinking of a way to impress the prom queen, and what he comes up with is kicking a kid in a wheelchair. Instincts like those are probably what made him a great leveraged buyout specialist, but in a public figure? Man, is he a disaster. It’s really incredible theater, watching the Republicans talk themselves into this guy."

That this guy is polling in the mid-40's is a commentary on a large swath of the American electorate.

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