Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Quote of the Day

"Mitt Romney has every right to cloak his personal and professional finances in secrecy — and voters have every right to assume he has something embarrassing to hide. If this seems unfair, Romney has only himself to blame. Through a series of miscalculations, Romney has managed to turn what should have been a minor hiccup into what may be a defining moment, and not in a good way. Attacks by President Obama’s campaign serve mainly to draw attention to the train wreck." -- Pulitzer Prize winning Eugene Robinson in today's Glenn Kessler Kaplan Daily. For Millionaire Mittens to go through the fire he's going through on not releasing multiple years of tax returns indicates far worse things would happen if he did. Could it be some profitable betting against the U.S., or some barely legal international transactions with unsavory entities? It's very possible.

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