Thursday, July 19, 2012

Retroactive Taxes Cartoon of the Day

(click to enlarge)
While most of the speculation about what weird Willard "Retired Retroactively" Romney is hiding in his tax documents focuses on what he paid (or didn't), it's probably more toxic than that. How about a situation where Willard was heavily invested in China, or another major U.S. competitor? How about investments in companies or products that don't square with the general public, or swing voters in particular? Those situations seem more likely to cause weird Willard to withhold tax info. We already know he uses "carried interest" tax rates, and that he uses tax shelters. But what if he had investments in, say, the Chinese military/industrial complex?

UPDATE: Weird Willard's aristocratic spouse, "Queen" Ann Romney, tells a national audience that, "we've given all you people need to know" about their finances. And if "you people" ask for more, OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!

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