Saturday, July 21, 2012

Thanks for Not Coming (Whew!)

Former Preznit George "Dumbya" Bush has decided not to attend next month's Rethuglican convention in Tampa, no doubt prompting a huge sigh of relief from the Romneybots running Willard "Retired Retroactively" Romney's coronation. Imagine the scene inside the convention if the man responsible for botching the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, for upping the debt by trillions, and for presiding over the worst financial failure and economic collapse since the Great Depression showed up to take a bow or two. Those are reminders the Romneybots would have us wipe from our short memories.

It's said that weird Willard's economic and foreign policies would be like Dumbya's on steroids, but a reminder of that fact by Dumbya's presence at the convention would have been awkward in the extreme for the Romneybots.

(image: "Abudee, abudee, that's all folks!")

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