Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wanker of the Day

To the Kaplan Daily's Rethuglican mouthpiece, Dan "I Got No" Balz, for this steaming plop:
"That the country is polarized is beyond question. Obama has proved to be a divisive president, despite his insistence that he is open to compromise and accommodation."

Could anyone vaguely aware of the past 3 years of American politics read that, coming from the Kaplan Daily's Priest of High Broderism, and not laugh? Nowhere in his tedious piece does he finger the Rethugs as the primary cause of excessive polarization, only mentioning "Congress," and then only as a reflector and feeder of that polarization. What an insufferable tool.

(Photo: Dan "I Got No" Balz, columnist for the Republican National Committee. "Did I write it the way you told me to, Mr. Rove?")

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