Friday, July 13, 2012

The Willard and Dead Eye Show

Presumptive Rethuglican nominee and small varmint hunter Willard "One Percenter" Romney held a cozy fundraiser with fellow gazillionaires yesterday with former (Vice) President's Dick "Dead Eye" Cheney in Wyoming. It's the "we're V.I.P." crowd with tacky Western outfits.

No word on whether quail hunting was on the program....Oh, and Willard, if they yell "duck," they're not referring to the bird.

Weird Willard has surrounded himself not only with Bush-era neocon advisors, but with Papa Neocon himself -- Dead Eye. They are absolutely itching to repeat the failures of the last Administration by sending our troops to war with other countries in the Middle East if, heaven forbid, Willard's elected. They're even floating the name of Condoleeza "My Husband George Bush" Rice as a top-tier VP candidate (of "mushroom cloud" fame). So, if you just thought Willard would bring Bushonomics back and put more right wingers on the Supreme Court, add a couple of wars in the Middle East to the mix.

(image: "Oh Wabbit, Willard Wabbit, where are you?")

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