Sunday, August 19, 2012

Letters We Wish We'd Written Dept.

From today's Kaplan Daily "Letters to the Editor":
"Michael Gerson ['Following Ryan’s map,' op-ed, Aug. 14] had an interesting take on what will characterize the political debate: 'The Democratic ticket will go small, detailing how Ryanism will hurt this group and that.'

"That seems likely, but it helps to do some math. The groups in question are, in no particular order: racial and ethnic minorities; women; veterans; gay men and lesbians; people with disabilities; the poor; federal employees; teachers; and more. When you add up all these groups, you get a big group. A very big group. I think that qualifies as going 'large.'

"Meanwhile, Mr. Gerson asserted, Republicans will go 'large' by 'arguing that budgetary indiscipline creates uncertainty that undermines current growth, while eventually leading to fiscal crisis and economic catastrophe.'

"One can’t argue with the Republican Party’s expertise on this front. It has undeniable credibility on that scenario, having walked the walk during the George W. Bush administration. Fiscal crisis and economic catastrophe indeed. I can live without trying on the Republican brand’s 'large' again, and so can most of those small groups that make up America.

John Allison, Williamsburg"

That's Mr. Allison, 1; "Mushroom Cloud" Gerson, 0.

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