Friday, August 3, 2012

Mitt's Mendacity, Cont.

If it's Friday... Steve Benen has this week's collection of smarmy untruths uncoiling from the tongue of silk stocking plutocrat Willard "Mitt the Twit" Romney. This week's tally is 28(!). We would highlight for your amusement/ outrage #2, wherein Mitt the Twit says President Obama doesn't have a jobs plan. Um, actually, he does; it's the "American Jobs Act," the legislation Rethugs in Congress have refused to pass so they can continue to sabotage the economy in the hopes of victory in November.

As far as a knee slapper, we would offer up #26, wherein the trust fund baby claims in an ad that he knows what it's like "to wonder whether you're going to be able to make ends meet." Trust us. Willard Romney never, never spent one moment of his silver-spoon-fed life wondering about ends meeting. We'll bet Willard $10,000 on that.

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