Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Stormy Weather

The Rethuglican convention begins next Monday in Tampa, and there are big storm clouds on the horizon -- in addition to the ones generated by their insanely reactionary positions on women's issues. Hurricane Isaac is tracking westward through the Caribbean and may strike the Tampa area early next week, forcing Rethug delegates out of Tampa strip clubs to modify their convention schedule.

While the hurricane won't be anywhere near a Katrina-type category 5 event, it would be amusing to see stranded Rethug delegates, their convention hall surrounded by water, waving white hankies to hovering Gummint rescue helicopters.


  1. Silver Spring Bureau ChiefAugust 22, 2012 at 1:39:00 PM EDT

    This is good work for a Hackwhacker on vacation! I thought you were too busy with your pilot training :)

  2. SSBC -- I have no future as a pilot...with the exception of video games!
