Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Auto-matic Lie

It's well known that Willard "Mendacious Mitt" Romney argued for Detroit's auto industry to go bankrupt in his infamous New York Times article "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt." Earlier this year in Michigan, he laughably tried to claim credit for President Obama's rescue of the auto industry, saying the President followed his advice, when the record is clear it was the opposite.

Now, his campaign is out with an ad in Ohio that blames the President for several Ohio auto dealerships folding in the auto industry restructuring, which allowed GM and Chrysler to succeed. The dishonest hypocrisy of Mendacious Mitt is breathtaking, and shows to what extent he'll go to win. The poll numbers cited in the posting below are of concern to his campaign, and he's desperate enough to take a clear positive for Obama that is widely accepted, and try to undermine it, even though his "solution" would have meant death to the U.S. auto industry.

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