Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Douche Luvs Him Some Paul Ryan

Media Matters has a funny clip of "Fux and Friends" nimrod Steve "The Douche" Doocy positively gushing over Rethug VP pick Paul "Brown Noser" Ryan's bod. This is par for the course at Fux, where they've pulled out all stops in praising Brown Noser to their wingnut audience. The Douche just has one of the more obvious and silly man crushes.

It reminds us of their treatment of the 2008 pick of snowbilly grifter Sarah "Mama Fizzly" Palin, who gave some right wing fanboys "starbursts." We know how that brilliant, fizzled with the general public, and now the Rethug apparatus has excluded her from their Convention later this month.

(photo: If marriage equality were law, maybe The Douche could get his man)