Friday, August 17, 2012

The Ultimate Deception

For decades, conservative Rethuglicans have wanted to dismantle Medicare and let seniors fend for themselves in the private health insurance market, and that's the basic gist of Paul "Brown Nose" Ryan's plan for vouchers. Now that they're in general election mode, the right-wing Rethugs are pulling a 180. Steve Benen at the MaddowBlog continues:
"In 2012, once we get past all of the talking points and attack ads, we're left with this: Romney/Ryan wants you to believe they're the liberals. No, seriously. Think about what the Republican presidential ticket, Fox News, Krauthammer, Donald Trump, and the Republican National Committee have been saying all week: those mean, rascally Democrats cut our beloved Medicare and voters should be outraged.

In other words, the argument pushed by the most right-wing major-party ticket in a generation is that Barack Obama is a left-wing socialist who wants government-run socialized medicine and that Barack Obama is a far-right brute who wants to undermine government-run socialized medicine."
This will only work if the public's gullibility is greater than its awareness of actual Rethug policy. Dems need to keep calling them out on their lies.

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