Clueless asshat and Allegheny County (PA) Rethuglican party chairman "Catskill" Jim Roddey whings a "funny" to a crowd of 200 laughing numbnuts at a Rethuglican dinner last night:
"There was a disappointment tonight. I was very embarrassed. I was in this parking lot and there was a man looking for a space to park, and I found a space for him. And I felt badly —- he looked like he was sort of in distress. And I said, 'Sir, here's a place.' And he said, 'That's a handicapped space.' I said, 'Oh I'm so sorry, I saw that Obama sticker and I thought you were mentally retarded."
Aside from the stunning use of mental retardation as a punch line, let's pause for a moment to ask ourselves, which party has Princess Dumbass of the North, Gov. Rick "Hair" Perry, Herman "Herb" Cain, and Pennsylvania's own Frothy Mix as its leaders, and the entire exotic fauna of birfers, climate change deniers, dinosaur-riding-Jesus freaks, etc., ad nauseam? If you guessed the one with "thug" in the name, you would be right.
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