Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Sad Trombone Sounds for the Romney Campaign

Now that the back-stabbers and finger-pointers (or is it back-pointers and finger-stabbers?) are in full stabbing and pointing mode in Willard "Mo' Shambles" Romney's beyond-incompetent campaign operation and the accompanying wingnut wurlitzer, we like Wonkette's take on the notion that the Mo' Shambles campaign is in "McCain-Palin" territory:
"No, grim-faced Sads. You are well past McCain-Palin ticket territory; you have entered Reagan/Mondale territory, and despite all appearances, you are not Reagan. Saaad trombone! (Quoting the New York Times:)

'Aides did little to hide their annoyance: on Tuesday night, a Romney aide cursed loudly as he tried to corral reporters into an impromptu news conference in Costa Mesa, Calif.

'Mr. Romney himself seemed pensive on the early-morning flight Tuesday from California to Utah, sitting alone with a white legal pad and a pen as he picked at a vegetarian breakfast burrito. An aide said that he had eaten dinner alone in his hotel room the night before as the video controversy began to unfold.'

There has never been more tragedy in one place than when Mitt Romney dined on a vegetarian burrito alone."

PHOTO: "My good man, would you care for the rest of my breakfast vegetarian burrito? I might be able to take it off on my taxes as a charitable deduction!"

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