Saturday, September 8, 2012
Mitt's Mendacity, Cont.
Another week and smug plutocrat and reasonable facsimile of a human being Willard "Corporations Are People, But Ryan And I Aren't" Romney is busy growing his bionic nose to ever-greater lengths. Thanks again to Steve Benen for chronicling the lies of the past week. You'll notice the usual debunked ones, like the Obama "apology tour" and Obama is gutting the welfare work requirement. Repeating them reveals, to us anyway, that Willard is still trying to rev up his low-information, high-prejudice base with 2 months until the election-- not where you want to be at this point.
Still, he's on course to make the late Rethuglican Liar-in-Chief Richard "I Am Not A Crook" Nixon look like a saint by comparison.