Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pants On Fire Cartoon of the Day

(click to enlarge)

One development from the Rethug convention wasn't that there were lies, misrepresentations and distortions aplenty dished out; that's par for the course. It was that the normally passive political press (of the "he says the earth is flat, she says it's a sphere -- you decide who's right" variety) at least began to call out Rethug VP candidate Rep. Paul "Lyin'" Ryan for the serial lying in his convention speech. The Rethugs, of course, don't particularly care if they're called out, since their base and a significant number of other low information voters have ceased believing what the "mainstream media" says. As Willard "Pinocchio" Romney's own pollster says,
"We won't let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers."
They've made a good start.

UPDATE: Is lying just part of Lyin' Ryan's makeup? Now, he's been caught in a lie about running a marathon in a world-class time.

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