Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Reading

Writing in the New York Times this morning, MoDo has a scathing op-ed piece on the neocon threat to the U.S. through their influence on Willard "The Smirker" Romney's campaign. From Likudniks like Dan "Bibi's Man" Senor to Paul "Wolfie" Wolfowitz, to The Smirker's foreign policy mentor Dick "Dick" Cheney, it's a scary collection of schemers just itching to launch another war or two in the Middle East that seem to have convinced The Smirker that they have the answers, and that we should outsource our Middle East foreign policy to Bibi Netanyahu. Here's MoDo laying it on them:
"A moral, muscular foreign policy; a disdain for weakness and diplomacy; a duty to invade and bomb Israel’s neighbors; a divine right to pre-emption — it’s all ominously familiar.

You can draw a direct line from the hyperpower manifesto of the Project for the New American Century, which the neocons, abetted by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, used to prod an insecure and uninformed president into invading Iraq — a wildly misguided attempt to intimidate Arabs through the shock of overwhelming force. How’s that going for us?"
Indeed. The more is known about the foreign policy "advisors" behind The Smirker, the more the public will see that it's 2001 all over again for them.

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