Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Mitt Hits The Fan....Again

As we noted in the post below, clueless plutocrat Willard "Corporations Are People, My Friend" Romney was caught on video being himself in front of his wealthy donors. He disparages the people who support President Obama as being dependent on the Government, who don't pay taxes, who see themselves as victims, etc. He's essentially writing off half the American population as dead weight saying that, "my job is not to worry about those people." Interestingly, the 47% who "don't pay taxes" and who are dependent on entitlements include a percentage of older, retired voters, who have been trending toward the Rethugs in previous elections. Maybe this window into Willard's dark and selfish soul will change their minds.

After the video was made public yesterday, his campaign scrambled to contain the damage. But instead of issuing a bland statement and hoping the press would move on, they trotted Willard himself out to face the cameras. It wasn't pretty, as Willard tried to defend his comments as merely "not elegantly stated." Coming on the heels of his highly unpopular, politically craven performance in response to the deaths of our people in Benghazi, Willard and his campaign are in a clear downward spiral, and the circular firing squads have already started.

BONUS: Charles P. Pierce on what to expect from Willard's desperate campaign now:
"There is going to be poor-baiting, and gay-baiting, and ladyparts-baiting, and probably baiting of things I haven't thought of yet. The polite part of the campaign is going to be Romney's effort to convince You that he was really talking about Them when he was calling people moochers and sneak thieves. He wasn't talking about Your Medicare or Your Social Security. Naw, he was talking about Their greed for what You have. That's going to be the polite part of the rest of the campaign, reinforced in the lower registers by a few million in ads to make sure You remember who They are."

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