Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Life From The Ruins

As the 11th anniversary is marked by memorial ceremonies in New York, Washington, and Shanksville, PA, we reflect on the changes that the 9/11 attacks had on our society and world, and on the lives lost in the attacks themselves and the subsequent wars.

The "Survivor Tree", above, was the sole tree to have survived the World Trade Center attack, and was nursed back to life after being charred in the fires.

UPDATE: The New York Times has a scathing piece about the incredible incompetence (Dumbya) and treachery (his Administration's neocons / Likudniks) in the months leading up to 9/11. It reveals a lot about the misplaced obsession with Iraq vs. al Qaeda.

UPDATE II: Here's how President Obama marked the solemn occasion.

UPDATE III: Here's the text of VP Joe Biden's remarks at Shanksville, PA. Moving.

(photo: Associated Press. the new One World Trade Center rises in the background.)

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