The always insightful Matt Taibbi on Willard "I Like To Fire People" Romney's acceptance speech:
"The line that astonished me most from Mitt's speech was this one, where he talked about the changes Americans 'deserved' and should have gotten during Obama's presidency:
'You deserved it because you worked harder than ever before during these years. You deserved it because, when it cost more to fill up your car, you cut out moving lights, and put in longer hours. Or when you lost that job that paid $22.50 an hour, benefits, you took two jobs at $9 an hour…'
"Are you kidding? Mitt Romney was the guy that fired you from that $22.50 an hour job, and helped you replace it with two $9 an hour jobs! He was a pioneer in the area of eliminating the well-paying job with benefits and replacing it with the McJob that offered no benefits at all. One of the things that killed him in the Senate race against Ted Kennedy were Kennedy ads that reminded voters that Mitt's takeovers resulted in slashed wages and lost benefits. He was exactly the guy that eliminated that classic $22.50 manufacturing job, like in the case of GST Steel, where Bain took over with an initial investment of $8 million, paid itself a $36 million dividend, ended up walking away with $50 million, and left GST saddled with over $500 million in debt. 750 of those well-paying jobs were lost.
"What kinds of jobs were left for those fired workers to look for? Well, in the best-case scenario, you might have found one at Ampad, another Bain takeover target, where workers had their pay slashed from $10.22 to $7.88 an hour, tripled co-pays, and eliminated the retirement plan.
"So a guy who eliminated hundreds of $22 an hour jobs and slashed hundreds more jobs to below $9 an hour blasts Barack Obama for not giving you the better life you deserved, after you lost your $22/hour job and had to take two $9/hour jobs. Are we all high or something? Did that really just happen?"
The idea that "The Guy That Fired You" is a "job creator" on the side of the working man and woman is one of the most strained, if not ludicrous, constructions the Rethuglicans are trying to foist on the American people. His whole life has been about making huge financial gains regardless of the consequences to Joe Lunchbucket, parking those gains in tax havens overseas, refusing to come clean on his taxes with the American people, and lying about his policies that would cause further damage to middle and working class families. That's why they're running a despicable, diversionary campaign of racial resentment and unprecedented falsehood - and why they have to be defeated at all costs.
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