Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Warning

To our astute and valued readers: Hurricane Sandy is now making its way into our area of the Middle Atlantic seaboard. Widespread power outages are expected as the storm makes landfall and heavy rain and winds bring down trees. If you notice a sudden, unexplained dearth of Hackwhackery, it's probably because we lost our power, not because of a lack of blog-tastic material! Wish us -- and everyone in Sandy's path -- luck!

BONUS: It's worth noting that sketchy Willard "Well Lubricated Weathervane" Romney advocated dismantling FEMA and shipping the pieces to the various States during the Rethug primary debates. No doubt he'll find time for a photo op with FEMA workers during the response to Hurricane Sandy.

BONUS II: Here's Charles P. Pierce on the posturing and play-acting already appearing on the right:
"The problem, of course, is that a good piece of the political opposition doesn't recognize this president as president when the sun's shining. The people who will tell you that disaster relief is best left to the states, or to the private sector, are going be howling at the White House if some cat isn't brought down from a tree in Cape May in less than five minutes. There are a thousand things that can go unavoidably wrong in a situation like this. It is the most fertile environment imaginable for unpredictability. The good news for the president is that he's in charge. The bad news for the president is that he's in charge, and the opposition is still truthless, and demented."

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