Friday, November 30, 2012

A New Campaign Begins

President Obama was in Hatfield, PA this morning at a toy manufacturer, the first in a series of trips he'll be making to put pressure on the Rethuglican House of Representatives to pass a continuation of middle class tax cuts before they expire on December 31. The Rethug House is holding these tax cuts -- our tax cuts -- hostage to tax rates for the top two percent income earners (i.e., their donors). The Democratic-controlled Senate has already passed a bill to move ahead with extending the middle class tax cuts, but the Rethuglican-controlled House won't budge.

Here's a good summary of the argument the President made for "decoupling" the middle class tax cuts from the so-called "fiscal cliff" kerfuffle. Here's hoping that the message resonates with voters and that he keeps hitting the Rethug House members hard on the issue in the next couple of weeks.

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