Tuesday, November 13, 2012

American Talibangelist: Latinos Are "Socialist By Nature"

Ladies and gentlemen, we present the unchastened id of the New Confederate/ Rethuglican Party, Bryan Fischer of the "American Family Association" in a rant about why we need to keep immigrants out of America (hint: it has something to do with voting):

Notice a pattern emerging here? Moochers and makers anyone? 47 percenters? It seems one of the lessons some on the Rethuglican right have taken from the election results is that "too many of the wrong people voted." You know who "they" are: African Americans (a.k.a., "urban voters"), youth, single women, poor people and, of course, Latinos -- i.e., the people who "want stuff." Look for more of this horseshit racist and misogynist analysis coming from the right as a palliative for their sense that white people they've "lost America."

Of course, this wouldn't be the first time Fischer has proven himself to be a racist, xenophobic moron. Oh, no.

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