Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Excuses, ExCooches

We've seen this movie before: the Rethugs try to delegitimatize the President by claiming he's a Socialist Muslim, he wasn't born in the U.S., etc. etc. Now, there's a fraudster movement underway among the delusional far right, who are claiming that the lack of voter suppression laws enabled President Obama to "steal" the election. Virginia's notorious Rethuglican Attorney General Ken "Cooch" Cuccinelli implied on a wing nut radio program that implementing voter ID laws in key states would have given Willard "One Percent" Romney the election (overlooking a number of states that went for Willard which don't have restrictive voter ID laws). Cooch is infamous for supporting the transvaginal probe indignity with Virginia's Rethug state legislators (small government, you say?), and is running for the Rethug nomination for Governor. But with a state trending more and more blue, it may be a rough slog in the general election for Cooch and his "probing" mind.

(photo: A female constituent offers to give Cooch a transpenile probe.)

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