Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Avalanche on Bullshit Mountain"

Jon Stewart looks at the humiliation of Fux News (a.k.a, "Bullshit Mountain News") during their "coverage" of Tuesday's election. In the end, they can't bring themselves to believe their eyes. As Stewart asks rhetorically, "Are you lying to yourself, or to the millions of viewers? 'Cause you're lying."

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BONUS: Andrew Sullivan has a great piece on the delusional, rejectionist right, led by the blowhards at Fox, talk radio, and the Internet toobs. As long as these people have a megaphone, it will be hard for "Rethuglicans" to devolve back into "Republicans."

1 comment:

  1. Maybe election night will be a turning point for their fortunes. They're talking to a dwindling, increasingly unhinged segment of the population, and it's more and more obvious. Thanks for the link, Brandt.
