Sunday, November 25, 2012

McNasty's Personal War

Arizona's poster boy for Obama Derangement Syndrome Sen. John "McNasty" McCain's vendetta against President Obama is nothing new, and continually manifests itself in his mindless opposition to everything the President proposes. John Heilemann's piece in New York Magazine gives several reasons why U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice will be nominated and confirmed as the new Secretary of State, despite McNasty's hostile and objectively racist opposition. Here's number 4:
"4. Because McCain is being a jackass—and Obama is sick of it. Arguably more than any other national figure, the senior senator from Arizona is driven in every aspect of his public behavior by personal pique.... In the wake of the 2008 election, when he was soundly thumped by a Democratic challenger whom he regarded as a neophyte and a pretender whose experience and valor were no match for his own, McCain immediately shed all traces of mavericky independence and became one of Obama’s fiercest critics from the right."
He notes that the White House has long seen McNasty in this light, and wants the fight with him -- one that they rightly believe they'll win. Despite his constant appearances on Sunday talk shows, no one should take McNasty seriously, especially after his reckless and idiotic pick of snowbilly Sarah Palin for his running mate, and his very clear derangement over the man that beat him out of the Presidency.

BONUS: Newsweek/Daily Beast's Michael Tomasky adds his perspective on McNasty's growing irrelevance.

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