Friday, November 2, 2012

Mitt's Mendacity - Farewell Edition (?)

With any luck, and the Rethuglicans not being able to disenfranchise enough people in Ohio, this will be the last edition of the chronicling of the untruths coming out of the lie-hole of Willard "Mendacious Mitt" Romney for the forseeable future. Once again, the work is actually Steve Benen's, and we're certain he's hoping this is the last he'll have to go hip-deep into the sewage coming out of the Rethuglican's standard bearer. As Benen puts it,
"Little did I know at the time that Romney would become an ambitious prevaricator, whose rhetoric would come to define post-truth politics. Nearly 11 months after Greg Sargent's harmless suggestion, I've published 40 installments of in this series, which, before today, featured 884 falsehoods. (If you include today's edition, the new total is 917 falsehoods for the year.)

"I wish that were a typo. It's not." (our emphasis)
This week, lie #7 (the racist dog-whistle that Obama "gutted welfare reform") and lie #12 (JEEP is moving to China), are two particularly vicious lies that Willard refuses to let go of.

In the unlikely, but possible, event this gilded turd is elected President of the United States on Tuesday, Americans will have elected a man with neither scruples, moral core, nor the capacity to be shamed by his pathological lying -- Richard Nixon without the 5 o'clock shadow. It's our duty to do everything we can as Americans not to let that happen.

UPDATE: In an editorial today, the Kaplan Daily adds:
"Mr. Romney...seems to be betting that voters have no memories, poor arithmetic skills and a general inability to look behind the curtain. We hope the results Tuesday prove him wrong."

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