Thursday, November 1, 2012

Politico: "Predicting Is Hard Work!"

The Rethuglican-wired dimbulbs at Politico (or as Charles P. Pierce calls them, "Tiger Beat on the Potomac") would have us believe that, gosh and golly, we just don't have any clue who's going to win this election! Punditry is hard (especially when you don't know how to read and interpret polling)! Here's 538's Nate Silver with a nice, eviscerating tweet:

Yeah, we think most of those clowns are so heavily invested in the horse-race narrative that any other reality-based one would cause their hopes and dreams for a Rethuglican restoration to go "poof. * " By the way, Nate's latest projection (close your eyes Rethuglicans) is that Obama has a 79% chance of winning. And that's conservative compared to Sam Wang's 96-99% certainty over at Princeton Election Consortium.

Let's get out and vote, Democrats, Independents and thinking Republicans and make sure these projections come true.

UPDATE: One Hackwhacker voted this morning, and there was a healthy crowd, but no lines. Good feeling ensued.

* Sorry!

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