Sunday, November 18, 2012

Still Not Getting It

Rethuglican hack Ed "Ben Rogering" Rogers praises Gov. Bobby "Kenneth" Jindal's call for "no more dumb messages" from the GOP, then guess what he proceeds to do?
"...Unfortunately, in most political debates in Washington over the past 25 years, whoever is for spending the most money wins.

"How Republicans deal with that reality and try to avoid being called the 'party of no' will be difficult — perhaps more difficult than ever as a majority of voters just made plain they have rising, not diminishing, expectations of largess from Washington."
(our emphasis)
"Largess?" Again with the "makers and moochers?" Somehow, we don't think he's referring to defense contracts, tax breaks for plutocrats, energy and agribusiness subsidies, etc. Guess it's not so easy decoupling "dumb messages" from the Rethuglican id.

(Photo: Ed Rogers, with that "semi-gloss Romney voter" skin tone)

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