Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Gifts That Keep On Giving

If you thought that plutocrat Willard "Not-President" Romney would retire quietly to one of his several mansions after his decisive loss, you'd be wrong. Willard was caught on a telephone conversation with his major donors, explaining why he bungled the election and lost their millions. Much like his infamous "47%" comments, which he later claimed were wrong, a clueless Willard blamed his loss on "gifts" that President Obama gave to his core constituencies (the young, the dark, and the non-male presumably):
"The president's campaign, if you will, focused on giving targeted groups a big gift. He made a big effort on small things."
Some of the "gifts" that Willard mentioned were allowing young people to remain on their parents' health insurance to age 26, and support of the Dream Act. So off the mark was Willard that a couple of Rethug Governors with an eye toward 2016 -- Bobby "Kenneth" Jindal and Scott "Koch Machine" Walker -- criticized his comments as wrong. They weren't the only ones, either.

In truth, Willard lost because he was proposing social policies that were out of the mainstream of American life, and Americans didn't want to go back to the same economic policies that crashed the economy. Also, he simply stank as a candidate and a person.

(image: Still clowning around.)

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