Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Hackwhackers Voter Guide

If you haven't voted yet, we're offering this partial list as a guide. Is any of this appealing to you:

Mandatory transvaginal probes, Rep. Michelle Bachmann, birtherism, unequal pay for women, Rush Limbaugh, privatizing Social Security, de-funding Planned Parenthood, Donald Trump, right-wing religious extremists, "Defense of Marriage Act," Rep. Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock, "legitimate rape," a baby from a rape is "God's will," more tax cuts for the 1 percent, tax hikes for the middle class, Ann Coulter, increasing income inequality, Sen. Mitch McConnell, Gov. Scott Walker, deregulating Wall Street and the banks, de-funding PBS, taking 30 million Americans off of health insurance, Rep. Steve King, voucherizing Medicare, climate change denial, anti-science agenda ("Darwin who?"), Sean Hannity, Ayn Rand, never compromise, voter suppression, corporate money awash in the political system, Speaker Boehner, Rep. Eric Cantor, "self-deportation" for Hispanic immigrants, Rep. Allen West, Rethuglican obstructionism and economic sabotage, rewarding political hostage-taking, and finally "President Willard Romney and Vice President Paul Ryan."

If any of the above is appealing to you, please exit this blog immediately. Otherwise, think about what the Rethuglicans represent when you're in the voting booth on Tuesday. Think about the America you want for yourself and your family. Then vote.

BONUS: Want more food for thought? Here you go.

(Photo: Willard "Corporations Are People Too, My Friend" Romney wears his mom jeans to show that he "gets it" when it comes to women's issues.)

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