Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Will Macy's Dump Rump?

Megalomaniac Donald "Rump" Trump has become more of a buffoonish joke in the four years since President Obama was first elected. After he was publicly mocked and humiliated at the 2011 White House Correspondent's Dinner, he refused to give up his nasty birther routine. Shortly before the election, Rump pulled another stunt by offering $5 million to charity if the President would release his college transcripts (something Rump refused to do for his transcripts when asked). Worse, after the President was elected, Rump tweeted that people should rise up in revolt against their government.

Given this, why would a national brand like Macy's want to associate with someone so clearly unhinged by the President, and who has advocated rebellion against the U.S.? Over 660,000 have signed a petition for Macy's to dump Rump's crappy brand (a brand which carries clothes made in China, a country Rump hypocritically loves to trash). That's why Macy's will continue to feel the heat until they tell Rump, "you're fired!"

(photo: Same to you, fool.)

UPDATE: You won't want to eat at Rump's DJT Steakhouse either:
"...inspectors at DJT reported finding the old caviar and yogurt, duck that dated back to June, veal stock and tomato sauce that was almost two weeks old, and expired peanut dressing and black bean chili. Inspectors found no measures to destroy parasites in undercooked halibut and salmon, and noted that raw tuna was being improperly thawed. Icicles were found in a faulty freezer."

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