Friday, December 7, 2012

More "Fiscal Cliff" Polls

The latest Quinnipiac poll shows you can't fool all of the people all of the time:
"American voters say 56 - 38 percent that Obama and congressional Democrats will make a good faith effort to cooperate with congressional Republicans on important issues. By 51 - 43 percent, voters say congressional Republicans will not act in good faith."

And the latest AP-GfK poll shows the American people are solidly behind the President's positions on the "fiscal cliff":
"Americans prefer letting tax cuts expire for the country's top earners, as President Barack Obama insists, while support has declined for cutting government services to curb budget deficits, an Associated Press-GfK poll shows. Fewer than half the Republicans polled favor continuing the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy.

"There's also a reluctance to trim Social Security, Medicare or defense programs, three of the biggest drivers of federal spending, the survey released Wednesday found. The results could strengthen Obama's hand in his fiscal cliff duel with Republicans, in which he wants to raise taxes on the rich and cut spending by less than the GOP wants."

That's what we call leverage.

(h/t Daily Kos)


  1. Washington DC Bureau ChiefDecember 8, 2012 at 9:08:00 AM EST

    We all know how much Rethugs listen to polls. Crunch these numbers, Turdblossom!

  2. DCBC -- Math just isn't the Rethugs' strongest subject (along with biology, earth science, sex ed., etc. etc.) They don't teach it in Sunday school....
