Saturday, January 5, 2013

Another Blow To The Birthers

The sad spectacle of deranged birthers continuing to tie up the courts with frivolous lawsuits over the President's birth certificate continues. Foremost among that tinfoil hat brigade is wackadoodle birther queen Orly "The Taint" Taitz, a lawyer/dentist/real estate broker/reader of entrails/poo flinger extraordinaire. Her most recent lawsuit attempt to de-legitimatize President Obama was in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, where she ran into Judge Morrison England, who was having none of The Taint's irrational babbling. Here's a glimpse of the proceedings:
"She ran into a brick wall with England. The judge sparred with her for more than an hour as the hearing played out in a courtroom overflowing with spectators, many of them clearly not Obama supporters.

'Your argument, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever,' the judge told her at one point."
The judge threw her "case" out (as have a dozen previous judges). Of course to The Taint and her paranoid following, that just proves the conspiracy is wider and deeper than they thought. They'll find an "honest" judge yet.

(photo: The Taint points to evidence she uncovered that Obama ran Auschwitz)

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