Saturday, January 5, 2013
Blind Squirrel Quote of the Day
Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut:
"They've got to find, in the House, a totally new strategy. For example, everybody talks about 'Okay, here comes the debt ceiling.' I think that's, frankly, a dead loser because in the end, you know what's going to happen. The whole national financial system is going to come into Washington by television and say 'Oh my God, this would be a gigantic heart attack, the entire economy of the world will collapse, you guys can't be responsible.' And they'll cave." -- former House Speaker Newt "Poot" Gingrich, himself a dead loser, is rarely as rational as this, which should be a big red flag to the radical right wing Rethuglican nihilists running amok in the House of Representatives. As for President Obama, if he caves to the radical right if they try to hold the debt ceiling hostage, he'll never see the end of the extortion.