Thursday, January 3, 2013

Rethuglican War on Women: Violence Against Women Edition

Yesterday, it should be noted and remembered, the monkey House New Confederate/ Rethuglican Party allowed the Violence Against Women Act reauthorization to die, meaning for for the first time since 1994 there is no comprehensive, governing Federal law in this area. Why did the mossback misogynists of the right choose to continue their war against women in this way? The reauthorization would have provided coverage to Native American women, same-sex couples and immigrants (!).

Wow, just when we thought these pricks couldn't stoop any lower. Or, as Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) put it:
"The House Republican leadership's failure to take up and pass the Senate's bipartisan and inclusive VAWA bill is inexcusable. This is a bill that passed with 68 votes in the Senate and that extends the bill's protections to 30 million more women. But this seems to be how House Republican leadership operates. No matter how broad the bipartisan support, no matter who gets hurt in the process, the politics of the right wing of their party always comes first."

File this in the same folder as "legitimate rape," transvaginal probes, "binders full of women," unequal pay for women, and "pregnancy from rape is part of God's plan."

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