Thursday, February 28, 2013

138 House Rethugs Still At War With Women

This morning, the House finally passed the Violence Against Women Act,  286 - 138, with all  138 "no" votes being cast by Rethuglican members.  An attempt was made earlier by House teahadists to limit the scope of the Act to exclude some minority women (Native American, immigrant women), but it was defeated, and the final bill is the inclusive legislation that the Senate had passed earlier.

In the past, reauthorization of the VAWA was so routine that it barely made news.  Now, with the Rethuglican/New Confederate Party inhabiting the furthest right-wing territory on the planet, they've made even "mom and apple pie" legislation -- legislation in this case that will curb domestic violence -- into a battle.  Still waiting for the Rethug rebranding?

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