Thursday, February 7, 2013

More on Rethuglican "Facelift Follies"

We have two more takes on the recent effort to re-brand the New Confederate/ Rethuglican/ Stupid Party, and on the growing civil war between the refined "establishment" Rethugs (eg., Karl "Turdblossom" Rove) and the raw teatard base. First Mr. Pierce:
"If the Republicans are allowed to pull off this bit of trompe d'oeil, nothing about American politics will improve. They will be encouraged, as they have been for 40 years, to surround their retrograde policy ideas with misdirection and distraction, as they profit from nativism and xenophobia and paranoid fantasies while pretending they are not."
Now, Michael Tomasky:
"The Rove–Tea Party feud is a joyous thing to watch. Rove, after an utterly disastrous run around the track in 2012, is now suckering people into writing him checks for a new outfit that will allegedly hold the zanies at bay, filter out the Sharron Angles and Richard Mourdocks of the world, and promote electable conservatives. [snip]

"This is the Republican problem. The basic organizing principle of Republican campaigns for 40 years now has been: they are coming. They’ve mixed in a little positive stuff. Ronald Reagan did that well, Bush Sr. had his thousand points of light, Bush Jr. his ownership society. But fundamentally Republicans have won elections by telling the white majority that 'they' are coming after your money and status and privilege."
The phrase "hoisted on your own petard" occurs to us in observing the Stupid Party's travails. It has carefully nurtured the basest emotions in people, fostered ignorance and bigotry, and set Americans against Americans -- all for the sole purpose of winning elections, or more brutally, power. That ignoble history is now coming back to bite these charlatans with a vengeance. Good, let's have more of it.

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