Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today's Dispatches From The Stupid Party

Today we have "patriot" and resident, his own world Ted "I Pooped and Peed My Pants" Nugent commenting on the State of the Union speech:
“It pains me deeply to report that the ACORN community organizer in chief is still at his masterful scripted deceitful fantasy scam, and even worse, the clueless masses are buying it. Somebody better wake up before he completely eviscerates the entire American Dream.”
Someone get Sarah Palin's ghostwriter! This genius is stealing all her lines... from 2008! Yeah, you're a model of sanity and an astute observer of the political landscape, Mr. Crap Pants.

Next we turn to a contributor to, and originator of, the "Stupid Party" moniker, Gov. Bobby "Kenneth" Jindal (Joke-LA), who had a sarcastic thoughtful tweet on the Violence Against Women Act:

Hey, there's no Rethuglican war on women, no siree!

We'd be happy if we could just vote to eliminate a turdpile like "Kenneth" from politics, but living in Louisiana would be too great a sacrifice to make.

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