There's unfortunately an endless supply of this stupidity, but we'll hold it at two today:
Indiana Rethuglican State Sen. Travis Holdman would like some ladyparts inspected, for their own good, mind you:
"Women obtaining an abortion-inducing drug would be required to undergo an ultrasound before and after taking the drug under a bill approved Wednesday by an Indiana Senate committee.
Though the bill doesn’t specify that it be a transvaginal ultrasound, in which a several-inch-long probe is inserted in the woman, that’s exactly what Indiana would be requiring, said Dr. John Stutsman, an Indiana University School of Medicine professor and obstetrician-gynecologist."We repeat, "What Rethuglican war on women?" Also: Branding!
Moving on to Oklahoma, an elected Rethuglican toadstool (no offense to toadstools) has introduced a bill that Mr. Pierce has dubbed "The Dare To Be Ignorant Protection Act of 2013:"
"On Tuesday, the Oklahoma Common Education committee is expected to consider a House bill [ed: it since passed the committee] that would forbid teachers from penalizing students who turn in papers attempting to debunk almost universally accepted scientific theories such as biological evolution and anthropogenic (human-driven) climate change.Oklahoma currently ranks 42nd among states in science and math learning by high school students. Should this bill become law, Rethugs can take pleasure in knowing that they will be more competitive in a race to the edumacational bottom with other deep-Red states like cellar-dwellers Mississippi, West Virginia, Louisiana and Alabama.
"Gus Blackwell, the Republican state representative who introduced the bill, insists that his legislation has nothing to do with religion; it simply encourages scientific exploration. 'I proposed this bill because there are teachers and students who may be afraid of going against what they see in their textbooks,' says Blackwell, who previously spent 20 years working for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. 'A student has the freedom to write a paper that points out that highly complex life may not be explained by chance mutations.'"
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