Monday, March 18, 2013

"Denial" Isn't Just A River In Egypt

Failed Vice Presidential candidate and Ayn Rand apostle Rep. Paul "Lyin'" Ryan is claiming that the Dickensian 2014 budget he's proposing -- one that is nearly identical to the budget last year that was denounced by the conservative U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops -- is "what (the American people) want."  Well, we suppose if you're the Koch Brothers, Rump Trump or Smelly Sheldon Adelson and their tea bagger sheeple, it appeals to you;  everyone else, not so much.  For starters, it would slash Medicaid and Medicare spending and decimate aid to education, infrastructure, and research and development, those things that we need to grow the future economy.  Pure and simple, it's a "reverse Robin Hood" approach to priorities, one that would shovel enormous tax breaks to the very wealthy (i.e., Rethug contributors), while putting the burden of paying for Government on the backs of the working poor and middle class while cutting programs that they need (education grants, unemployment insurance, food stamps).

Lyin' has clearly forgotten who won the 2012 election with a mandate for a balanced approach to the budget, and which rejected the "makers and takers" worldview of Lyin' and his plutocrat running mate Lord Willard of Romney.

(image: Munster vs. monster)

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