Thursday, March 7, 2013

Droning On

Yesterday's Senate filibuster by Ayn Rand acolyte and teabagger hero Sen. Rand "Aqua Buddha" Paul was a shining example of why the Senate needs to reform its filibuster rule. He was stalling the nomination process of John Brennan to be CIA Director, but he used the far-fetched "issue" of hypothetical drone use against American citizens in the U.S. to, well, drone on for 13 hours.

With the resources of the F.B.I. and other Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and local police, imagining that the U.S. government would need to use a military drone to kill someone in the U.S. is the favorite pastime of the far-right secessionist/militia crazies. In reality, Aqua Buddha was whipping up those wing nuts who make up his fan base, not addressing some noble concern about civil liberties. The next thing you know, he'll be demanding that right wing crazies be allowed to buy military drones to prepare for the coming war with the government that only exists in their paranoid fantasies. The National Rifle Rampage Association would like that.

UPDATE:  Anger management candidate and Arizona Sen. John "Grumpypants" McCain took to the Senate floor today and criticized Aqua Buddha's implication yesterday that the government could use a drone to attack an American here in the U.S. simply because the person disagreed with a policy.  "Simply false," is how Grumpypants put it.

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