Monday, March 4, 2013

Konservative Kourt Kartoon of the Day

(click to enlarge)

The attempt by Rethugs in the South to undermine the Voting Rights Act is in conjunction with their moves elsewhere to deny likely Democratic voters their access to the ballot through onerous voter ID laws, elimination of polling places in minority communities, cut backs in voting hours, etc.  They know the demographics are against them, and they're pulling out all the stops to rig the game.  The sinister part is that a radical right-wing Supreme Court seems to be looking for ways to further their efforts.As Leonard Pitts, Jr. writes in The Miami Herald:
"Yes, the South has changed — largely because of the law Shelby County seeks to gut. Even so, attempts to dilute the black vote have hardly abated. We’ve just traded poll taxes and literacy tests for gerrymandering and Voter ID laws." (h/t Daily Kos)
(cartoon: Jeff Danziger via