Friday, March 1, 2013

More Sequestration Follies

Immediately after the meeting between the President and Congressional leaders, House Speaker and spray tan sufferer John "Mr. Tangerine Man*" Boehner said that any consideration of revenues to resolve the sequestration deadlock was off the table.  This despite the fact that the sequestration deal struck back in 2011 included $1.2 trillion in spending cuts, without raising taxes or closing tax loopholes.  The President campaigned in 2012 on a "balanced approach" of spending cuts and revenues to ease the debt problem, and he won handily.  Public opinion polls show the public wants a balanced approach  of the kind proposed by the President.

What we're seeing is that anti-government teahadists have seized control of the Rethuglican apparatus so totally that there's not one Rethug Congressman that will go against them, even when it means layoffs in his/her own district, or public scorn.
*credit Jon Stewart