Pollster Andrew Kohut has
a great analysis of the problems facing the Rethuglican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party in today's
once great Washington Post Kaplan Daily. A few samples:
The Republican Party’s ratings now stand at a 20-year low, with just
33 percent of the public holding a favorable view of the party and 58
percent judging it unfavorably, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey.
Although the Democrats are better regarded (47 percent favorable and 46
percent unfavorable), the GOP’s problems are its own, not a mirror
image of renewed Democratic strength.
Kohut goes on to identify three factors in the emergence of the far-right bloc that holds sway in the party: the "Obama backlash"
=cough=racism=cough=, the changing face of America
=cough=racism=cough= , and conservative media that serves as an echo chamber and only source of "news" for the base
=cough=racist know-nothings=cough=. Not surprising considering this far-right bloc is 92 percent white, mostly male, married, Protestant, well-off and over 50. Kohut concludes:
I see little reason to believe that the staunch conservative bloc will
wither away or splinter; it will remain a dominant force in the GOP and
on the national stage. At the same time, however, I see no indication
that its ideas about policy, governance and social issues will gain new
adherents. They are far beyond the mainstream.
In other words, the Rethuglican/ New Conservative/ Stupid Party will exist only to frustrate the will of the majority of the American people for the forseeable future.
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