Monday, March 25, 2013

Teabaggers Boycott Fox "News" Over... Benghazi?

Here's your comedy read of the week from Wonkette, about the "boycott" a teabagger group is engaged in because Fox "News" isn't running Benghazi conspiracy porn 24/7.  Read the whole piece!
"Hell hath no fury like a pretend movement (which is really just a bunch of Republicans who like to play dress-up) scorned.

"It’s as if Fox News has completely abandoned its mission of pimping every gathering of three dudes waving misspelled signs inspired by the conspiracy theories hatched from Donald Trump’s hair. You done gone soft, Fox, and the teabaggers are as mad as hell and they’re not going to take it no more and they even made a website called BENGHAZIIIIII!!!!!! Truth, which has lots of quotes from Alice in Wonderland so you KNOW they mean business. Take THAT, Fox News — if that even is your real name, which it might not be, we don’t know, we need to see the long-form incorporation forms!"
Where, oh where, are these demented souls going to get their anger rush "news" now?  

(Image:  Uncle Sham)

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