Fox & Friends hosted “high school student” Dalton Glasscock yesterday morning to tug at their Obama-hating viewers' heartstrings with the sad tale about how his spring break trip to Washington, D.C. was ruined by the cancellation of White House tours. But it’s more likely the cancellation actually made his trip, if not his year. What the “we report, you decide” network didn’t mention is that he’s a Republican activist who was also taking part in CPAC.The Cock of Glass had his Rethuglican talking points down pat; words were also placed in his mouth like worms from a mother bird by... um, birdbrain Steve "Deuce" Doocy. Such stagecraft! Also: Waaaah! White House tours cancelled! Yawn - - people losing their jobs.
On to Idaho, land of spuds and duds, where clearly someone was at the Aryan Nation Youth meeting and not in class when the Civil Rights Movement was being discussed in high school:
The No. 3 Republican leader in the Idaho House says he made a "slight mistake" when he described Rosa Parks as a champion of states' rights.
"One little lady got tired of the federal government telling her what to do," Assistant Majority Leader Brent Crane of Nampa said during Wednesday's debate on Gov. Butch Otter's bill establishing a state-run health insurance exchange. "I've reached that point, Mr. Speaker, that I'm tired of giving in to the federal government."That's exactly what Rosa Parks stood for, shoulder to shoulder with George Wallace, Strom Thurmond and Ross Barnett! Also: Gov. Butch Otter?! Would that make him part of the weasel family?
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