Friday, March 29, 2013

"We're Not Racist, We Just Say Racist Things" Cont'd.

There's just no hiding the basic intolerance of prominent Rethuglicans, despite lame efforts to paper over the bigotry that has cost them the votes of African-Americans and Latinos.  Take for example Alaska's Rethug Congressman and backwoods critter Don "El Paleto" Young, who referred to undocumented Latinos as "wetbacks," long a derogatory term for migrant workers from Mexico.  He didn't apologize for his words, only saying he meant no "disrespect."  (Well then, we can certainly call El Paleto a hick, meaning no disrespect of course).

El Paleto has consistently opposed comprehensive immigration reform, siding with those that focus only on border security, and has voted against birthright citizenship.  This hick -- no disrespect -- is shaping up to be the Todd Akin of Rethuglican minority outreach.

DAMAGE CONTROL:  Weeper of the House John "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner is putting distance between himself and El Paleto, calling his slur "beneath the dignity of the office he holds."

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